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ISO 20022 cash management

Cash management processes use ISO 20022 camt.053.001.02 messages according to the CGI (Common Global Implementation).

The content of this page is subject to frequent updates, is general in nature and does not take into consideration specific requirements related to your facility.

BankRec produces a camt.053.001.002 bank statement with Australian transactions.

File validation

camt.053.001.02 files are compliant with the v2 XML schema on ISO 200200 Bank to Customer messages (CGI compliant version).


The structure of a camt.053.001.02 file is:

  • Many accounts can be present in one file.
  • There will be one header for each statement containing date/time, balances and BSB/Account details.
  • A statement can have any number of transaction records, each containing the details of a transaction.
  • Most transactions are single amounts or a bulked amount of other composite transactions (e.g. a total BPAY settlement). These are called bulked transactions.
  • Some transactions can be broken down into individual sub-transactions (e.g. individual BPAY payments). These are called debulked transactions and will also contain the bulked settlement amount.

camt.053.001.02 message structure illustration.

  • One block at the 'Group Level'.
    • One 'Message Identification'
    • One 'Created Date Time'
    • One 'Additional Information'
  • One or more blocks at the 'Statement Level' (for each account)
    • One 'Account Information'
    • Three 'Balances' (opening, closing and available)
    • One 'Transaction Summary'
  • Zero or more blocks at the 'Transaction Level'
    • One 'Transaction Header'
    • One or more 'Transaction Details'

Important: Please refer to the v2 XML schema on ISO 200200 Bank to Customer messages (CGI compliant version).

Group level

  • The MsgId is a unique number created for every camt.053.001.02 statement file. Use this combined with the statement level sequence number (if you have multiple accounts per file) to ensure you do not process the same file twice.
  • CreDtTm is the time stamp showing when the file was generated.
  • AddtlInf identifies the type of statement file. EODY indicates that it is an end-of-day statement.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
1 <Document> M
2 <BkToCstmrStmt> Bank to Customer Statement M <BkToCstmrStmt>
3 <GrpHdr> Group Header M <GrpHdr>
4 <MsgId> Message Identification M 1000044716
4 <CreDtTm> Creation Date Time M yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss 2018-12-14T14:05:41
4 <AddtlInf> Additional Information M EODY

Statement level

  • The Id comprises of the BSB and account number and the time stamp.
  • CreDtTm is the time stamp showing when the statement was generated.
  • The from and to time stamps indicate the period that the transactions in the statement represent.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
2 <Stmt> Statement M <Stmt>
3 <Id> Payment Information Identification M BSB + Account + Timestamp 0320011234562017-12-06T01:19:25
3 <ElctrncSeqNb> Electronic Sequence Number M Numeric 142
3 <CreDtTm> Creation Date Time M yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss 2017-12-06T01:19:25
3 <FrToDt> From To Date M <FrToDt>
4 <FrDtTm> From Date Time M yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss 2017-12-05T00:00:00
4 <ToDtTm> To Date Time M yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss 2017-12-05T23:59:59

Account information

  • The Id is the BSB and account number.
  • The Ccy field identifies the currency of the amounts presented in the file.
  • The BIC field is the Swift code of the institution that produced the file.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
3 <Acct> Account M <Acct>
4 <Id> Id M <Id>
5 <Othr> Other M <Othr>
6 <Id> Id M BSB + Account 032999999994 for 032-999 999994
4 <Ccy> Currency M ISO 4217 currency code AUD
4 <Svcr> Servicer M <Svcr>
5 <FinInstnId> Financial Institution Identification M <FinInstnId>


    <Amt Ccy="AUD">7484527.35</Amt>
  • There will be 3 Balance records for each statement. They represent the opening balance (Cd = OPBD), closing balance (Cd = CLDB) and available balance (Cd = CLAV).
  • The Amt field holds the value of the specified balance type.
  • The Dt field identifies the date that the balance refers to.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
3 <Bal> Balance M <Bal>
4 <Tp> Type M <Tp>
5 <CdOrPrtry> Code Or Proprietary M <CdOrPrtry>
6 <Cd> Code M OPBD, CLDB, CLAV
4 <Amt Ccy="AAA"> Amount M Amount, currency specified Balance amount
4 <CdtDbtInd> Credit Debit Indicator M Code CRDT or DBIT
4 <Dt> Date M <Dt>
5 <Dt> Date M yyyy-MM-dd 2017-12-05

Transaction summary

Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
3 <TxsSummry> Transactions Summary M <TxsSummry>
4 <TtlNtries> Total Entries M <TtlNtries>
5 <NbOfNtries> Number Of Entries M Numeric 5
5 <Sum> Sum M Amount 500.00
5 <TtlNetNtryAmt> Total Net Entry Amount M Amount TtlCdtNtries/Sum + TtlDbtNtries/Sum, e.g. 100.00
5 <CdtDbtInd> Credit Debit Indicator M Code CRDT or DBIT
4 <TtlCdtNtries> Total Credit Entries M <TtlCdtNtries>
5 <NbOfNtries> Number Of Entries M Numeric 2
5 <Sum> Sum M Amount TtlCdtNtries/Sum - TtlDbtNtries/Sum, e.g. 300.00
4 <TtlDbtNtries> Total Debit Entries M <TtlDbtNtries>
5 <NbOfNtries> Number Of Entries M Numeric 3
5 <Sum> Sum M Amount 200.00

Transaction level

Transaction header
    <Amt Ccy="AUD">667.35</Amt>
            <Issr>Westpac Australia</Issr>
  • The NtryRef field is a unique number that identifies the bulk settlement for a transaction.
  • The Amt represents the bulk settlement amount.
  • The CdtDbtInd identifies whether the transaction is a credit or a debit.
  • The two dates represent the date that the transaction was completed and the date that the funds are available.
  • The BkTxCd block contains the Domain, Family and Sub Family codes that identify the transaction. It also contains the traditional bank transaction code for the transaction.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
3 <Ntry> Entry M <Ntry>
4 <NtryRef> Entry Reference M Alphanumeric
4 <Amt Ccy="AAA"> Amount M Amount, currency specified Transaction amount, always positive - use credit debit indicator to differentiate.
4 <CdtDbtInd> Credit Debit Indicator M Code CRDT or DBIT
4 <Sts> Status M Code BOOK
4 <BookgDt> Booking Date M <BookgDt>
5 <Dt> Date M yyyy-MM-dd 2018-01-03
4 <ValDt> Value Date M <ValDt>
5 <Dt> Date M yyyy-MM-dd 2018-01-03
4 <BkTxCd> Bank Transaction Code M <BkTxCd>
5 <Domn> Domain M <Domn>
6 <Cd> Code M Code PMNT
6 <Fmly> Family M <Fmly>
7 <Cd> Code M Code ICHQ
7 <SubFmlyCd> Sub Family Code M Code BCHQ
5 <Prtry> Proprietary M <Prtry>
6 <Cd> Code M Code 013
6 <Issr> Issuer M Alphanumeric
Transaction details
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">667.35</Amt>
                <Issr>Westpac Australia</Issr>
        <AddtlTxInf>WESTPAC PPS - (CHEQUE PORTION)</AddtlTxInf>
  • The InstrId and EndToEndId fields contain reference data that was passed to the bank by the customer when initiating the transaction. Note that the EndToEndId is typically passed through the banking system from the initiating payment file. The InstrId or PmtInfId is held at Westpac for statement enhancement.
  • The Amt contains the amount of the particular transaction.
  • The BkTxCd block contains the Domain, Family and Sub Family codes that identify the sub-transaction. It also contains the traditional bank transaction code for the transaction.
  • The AddtlTxInf field usually contains the transaction narrative that would appear on the customers' bank statement.
Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Format Example, Description or element name
4 <NtryDtls> Entry Details M <NtryDtls>
5 <TxDtls> Transaction Details M <TxDtls>
6 <Refs> References M <Refs>
7 <InstrId> Instruction Identification O BI00007747
7 <EndToEndId> End To End Identification O 292
7 <TxId> Transaction Identification O 2086196006
7 <PmtInfId> Payment Information Identification O 12345
6 <AmtDtls> Amount Details M
7 <TxAmt> Transaction Amount M
8 <Amt Ccy="AAA"> Amount M Amount, currency specified Transaction amount
6 <BkTxCd> Bank Transaction Code M
7 <Domn> Domain M
8 <Cd> Code M Code PMNT
8 <Fmly> Family M <Fmly>
9 <Cd> Code M Code ICHQ
9 <SubFmlyCd> Sub Family Code M Code BCHQ
7 <Prtry> Proprietary M <Prtry>
8 <Cd> Code M Code 013
8 <Issr> Issuer M Alphanumeric Westpac Australia
6 <AddtlTxInf> Additional Transaction Information O Alphanumeric WESTPAC PPS - (CHEQUE PORTION)

Identifying transactions

Note: This table content is subject to frequent updates, is general in nature and does not take into consideration specific requirements/configurations related to your facility.

The below table lists common types of transactions that may appear in the camt.053.001.02 bank statement file. This table uses the transaction code and domain properties to identify the transaction type.

Payment type Transaction code Domain code Family code Sub-family code Credit/debit indicator
Cheque dishonour 007 PMNT RCHQ UPCQ DBIT
Chargeback 022 PMNT MDOP ADJT DBIT
Merchant Settlement 041 PMNT MCRD RIMB DBIT
Direct entry drawing 046 PMNT ICDT ASET DBIT
Cheque Deposit 060 PMNT CNTR BCDP CRDT
Cheque Deposit 061 PMNT CNTR BCDP CRDT
Merchant Settlement 095 PMNT MCRD RIMB CRDT
EFT Refund Returns 269 PMNT ICDT ARET CRDT

Enrichment support

If you receive a data-enriched (debulked or enriched) statement, there will be some modifications to the TxDtls element in the camt.053.001.02 file.

Debulked receivables enrichment

For debulked receivables enrichment, the following modifications will be performed to the TxDtls element of the camt.053.001.02 file:

  • Each TxDtls element that previously represented a bulk settlement will be replaced with multiple TxDtls elements that represent multiple individual payments that formed part of the bulk settlement.
  • TxDtls/Refs/MsgId: This element will be populated with the Message Id from the Payment Batch if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/PmtInfId: This element be populated with the Payment Information Id from the Payment Batch if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/TxId: This element will be populated with a unique, BankRec-generated transaction identifier.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Dbtr/Nm: This element will be populated with the Debtor Name from the transaction.
  • TxDtls/Refs/AcctSvcrRef: This element will be omitted.
  • TxDtls/BkTxCd/Domn/Fmly/SubFmlyCd: The value of this element will change to reflect the type of transaction (payment or refund).
Type Transaction code Domain Family code Sub-family code
Merchant Transaction (Credit Settlement) 095 PMNT MCRD RIMB
Merchant Refund (Credit Settlement) 095 PMNT MCRD DAJT
Merchant Transaction (Debit Settlement) 041 PMNT MCRD RIMB
Merchant Refund (Debit Settlement) 041 PMNT MCRD DAJT
------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------------- -----------------
EFT Credit (Credit Settlement) 050 PMNT RCDT ACDT
EFT Debit (Credit Settlement) 050 PMNT RCDT DAJT
EFT Debit (Debit Settlement) 013 PMNT RDDT PMDD
EFT Credit (Debit Settlement) 013 PMNT RDDT CAJT
  • Merchant Transaction - Transaction credit relating to debiting a customer credit card
  • Merchant Refund - Transaction debit relating to crediting a customer credit card
  • EFT Credit - Transaction credit relating to debiting a customer bank account
  • EFT Debit - Transaction debit relating to crediting a customer bank account
Debulked payables enrichment

For debulked payables enrichment, the following modifications will be performed to the TxDtls element of the camt.053.001.02 file:

  • Each TxDtls element that previously represented a bulk settlement will be replaced with multiple TxDtls elements that represent multiple individual payments that formed part of the bulk settlement.
  • TxDtls/Refs/InstrId: This element will be populated with the Instrument Id from the Payables Payment Batch if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/EndToEndId: This element will be populated with the End To End Id from the Payables Payment Batch if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/TxId: This element will be populated with a unique, BankRec-generated transaction identifier.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Dbtr/Nm: This element will be populated with the Debtor Name from the transaction.
  • TxDtls/Refs/AcctSvcrRef: This element will be omitted.
External entry enrichment

For external entry enrichment (i.e, transactions enriched with information from an external EFT feed), the following modifications will be performed to the TxDtls element of the camt.053.001.02 file:

  • TxDtls/Refs/AcctSvcrRef: This element will be omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/EndToEndId: This element will be populated with the Payment Reference sourced from the external feed.
  • TxDtls/Refs/MsgId: This element will be populated with a unique, BankRec-generated transaction identifier.
  • TxDtls/Refs/TxId: This element will be populated with a unique, BankRec-generated external transaction identifier.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Cdtr/Nm: This element will be populated if the transaction is a debit on your statement.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Dbtr/Nm: This element will be populated if the transaction is a credit on your statement.

For RTGS/OTT transactions, the following modifications will also be performed to the TxDtls element:

  • TxDtls/RmtInf: This element will be populated with a Ustrd element, populated with the Payment Detail from the RTGS/OTT transaction.
New Payments Platform (NPP) payments enrichment

For any payments made on the NPP, the following modifications will be performed to the TxDtls element of the camt.053.001.02 file:

  • TxDtls/Refs/EndToEndId: This element will be populated with the End To End Id from the NPP transaction if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/Refs/PmtInfId: This element will be populated with the first 35 characters of the Remitter Description from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/Refs/InstrId: This element will be populated with the first 35 characters of the Remitter Description from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/Refs/TxId: This element will be populated with the Transaction Id from the NPP transaction if available, otherwise will be populated with the Payment Id from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Cdtr/Nm: This element will be populated with the Beneficiary Name from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/Dbtr/Nm: This element will be populated with the Remitter Name from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/CtctDtls/Othr: This element will be populated with the PayId Type from the NPP transaction if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/RltdPties/CtctDtls/EmailAdr: This element will be populated with the PayId from the NPP transaction if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/RltdDts/TxDtTm: This element will be populated with the Reversal Date from the NPP transaction if the transaction is a reversal, otherwise will be populated with the Debited Date from the NPP transaction.
  • TxDtls/RmtInf: This element will be populated with up to two Ustrd elements, populated with the Beneficiary Description from the NPP transaction. These two elements should be concatenated to produce the complete description.
  • TxDtls/RtrInf/Rsn/Cd: This element will be populated with the Reversal Reason Code, or the Return Reason Code from the NPP transaction if available, otherwise omitted.
  • TxDtls/RtrInf/AddtInf: This element will be populated with the Original Transaction Id from the NPP transaction if the transaction is a return or reversal, otherwise omitted.

If you require further enrichment, you should discuss this during your implementation.

Sample files

The following files are intended to be examples only.

NPP sample transactions

Download the NPP sample camt.053.001.02 file.

This file contains examples of all NPP transaction codes, and how they will appear in a standard camt.053.001.02 statement.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.